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Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Backfile!
Early Insight on the ESCI: an overlay map-based bibliometric study
Scientometrics, 18 March 2017
The ESCI Backfile (2005—2014):
Emerging Sources Citation Index provides Web of Science Core Collection users with expanded options to discover new areas of research in evolving disciplines, as well as relevant interdisciplinary scholarly content across rapidly changing research fields.
All journals in the ESCI have been rigorously hand-selected and reviewed by our editorial team as important titles to key opinion leaders, funders, and evaluators worldwide. The list is continuously evaluated and evolving, with new titles being added regularly. These titles are also being evaluated on a continual basis for inclusion in the SCIE, SSCI, and AHCI.
The Web of Science is the most accurate and comprehensive resource for research discovery and evaluation, and our independent and unbiased journal selection ensures the highest quality indexing. The ESCI makes our rigorous selection criteria more transparent by exposing new content earlier in the selection process—helping everyone to make more connections to new research in emerging scientific fields, and discover new journal content of regional importance.