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Thank you for attending our workshop:
Thank you for attending our workshop co-hosted by Clarivate Analytics and Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (OST):
Clarivate and OST, with a long history of collaboration in bibliometrics and research evaluation, have came together to co-host a premier event about the state of science in Canada. Bringing together representatives from the Canadian federal government, universities, and other science-focused organizations, we discussed best practices in quantitative research evaluation.
Welcome: Monica Gattinger, Director of Institute for Science, Society & Policy, University of Ottawa
The State of Canadian Science:
-Ann Beynon, Manager, Solutions Specialists, Clarivate Analytics
-Yves Gingras, Scientific Director, Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (OST)
Panel Discussion 1: Government Perspectives on Research Evaluation:
-Moderator: Paul Dufour, Research Fellow , Institute for Science, Society & Policy University of Ottawa
-Barney Laciak, Manager, Corporate Planning and Reporting, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
-Sarah Viehbeck, Head of Performance Measurement and Manager of Planning, Reporting, Measurement and Data, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
-Joyce Yang, Co-Director of the Laboratory Policy Group, The National Laboratory Impact Initiative, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Panel Discussion 2: University Perspectives on Research Evaluation
-Moderator: Yves Gingras, Scientific Director, Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (OST) Denis Marchand, Director of Institutional Research, Université du Québec
-Vivek Goel, Vice President of Research and Innovation, University of Toronto
-Krista Alexander, Subject Librarian for physics and chemistry & biochemistry, Concordia University
Afternoon Keynote:
Rémi Quirion, Chief Scientist of Quebec, Fonds de Recherche du Québec, (FRQ)
Panel Discussion 3: Uses of Bibliometrics and Altmetrics to Measure Science:
-Moderator: Vincent Larivière , Associate Professor of Information Science, Université de Montréal
Gita Ghiasi, Ph.D, Candidate, Concordia University
-Philippe Mongeon, Ph.D, Candidate, Université de Montréal
Panel Discussion 4: Using bibliometrics to identify emerging technology:
-Moderator: Anthony Molisani, Solutions Consultant, Clarivate Analytics
-Alexandre Bourque-Viens, Senior Science and Technology (S&T) Policy Advisor, Natural Resources Canada
-Ryan Zelnio, Associate Director- Tech Watch/Horizon Scans, U.S. Department of Defense
Panelists included:
Remi Quirion
Chief Scientist Quebec
Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ)
Vincent Lariviere
Associate professor of information science (Canada Research Chair)
University of Montreal
Vivek Goel
Vice President, Research and Innovation
University of Toronto
Denis Marchand
Director of Institutional Research
University of Quebec
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